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Marriage Ceremony in Style Midodareni Yogyakarta

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    Midadareni ceremony   Midadareni widadari or derived from the word angel, which is a very beautiful daughter and lives in heaven. Midadareni ceremony held on the afternoon before the ceremony consent. In this ceremony the bride and groom start the evening, precisely starting at 18:00 until 24.00 hours is not allowed to sleep darn not allowed out of the bridal chamber. Bride and groom hold tirakatan, accompanied by parents, the guests who attended and the pinisepuh. Tirakatan means not sleeping through the night or lek-lekan by sitting around talking about positive things that are accompanied by a petition to the Almighty for marriages to be performed to get the blessings and mercy from Him. As for the bride and groom tirakatan event is intended as an effort to conduct themselves and practice self-control are concerned, accompanied by a request to God to bestow the fall of Angels right now at 24.00.    This ceremony is called Midadareni for something to do with folklore which tells the story of Jake Tarub Nawangwulan goddess, a nymph who fell into Arcapada with other maidens. It is said that at one point the angels who fell into Arcapada (earth) for fun and bathing in a lake. They undress and put on the shores of the lake. A moment later came the Jaka Tarub. Motivated by his desire to marry one of them hence the intention to conceal one's clothes. Once Upon a Goddess marry Jake Tarub Nawangwulan, owner of Jake's clothes taken and concealed Tarub, provided that Jaka Tarub should not be opening or closing kekep cormorant (rice cooker) at Nawangwulan're cooking rice. But the poor can not be denied, Tarub Jake broke his promise because it can not resist his desire to see the contents of the steamer with open kekepnya. This opens the ban kekep appear, because according to the story anyway, every time Nawangwulan rice goddess, she does not need to pound rice into the rice first, but enough to take a sprig of paddy and rice menanaknya to be. Maybe it is the will of God the Almighty to Jaka Tarub unable to resist the desire to open kekep and view the contents of the saucepan. However, see the ban is violated by Jaka Tarub, Dewi Nawangwulan be very disappointed, because it turns out her husband could not keep the agreement that has been agreed. So finally Goddess Nawangwulan decided to return to heaven, although it has been blessed with a daughter, Dewi Nawangsih.     Before returning to heaven Goddess Jaka Tatub Nawangwulan advised that in the future if her daughter will be married, on the afternoon before the wedding so that implementation is provided a pair of twins Mayang, a pair or two young coconuts are still there and put up in front sabutnya pedaringan or in the bridal chamber. Pedaringan is a bed in the ancient times to serve as decoration in a room that is located in the middle, which is commonly called the middle room. Nawangwulan goddess promised that at times that he would come to give their blessing and beautifying his daughter go. So moments like that commonly called Midadareni night.     The ceremony is usually held Midadareni home a bride. This bride from 18:00 until 24.00 hours Hams remain in the bridal chamber. In the room, the bride and groom accompanied pinisepuh. If there are guests who want to meet with the bride and groom, must go into the bridal chamber. During that time, the bride should not go out and not allowed to meet the bridegroom, when the bridegroom is coming, are not allowed to find a bride.Equipments MidadareniEquipment must be provided at the ceremony Midadareni is equipment that has been submitted to Jaka Tarub as the last message Nawangwulan Goddess before returning to the heaven. The message must be carried out before the implementation of the afternoon Dcwi Nawangsih marriage of her daughter.The equipment includes:
  1. A pair of Kembar Mayang and a pair of twin young coconut that still exist sabutnya. In ancient times the term is widely used is gagar Mayang. Gagar means the fall or the fall, meaning they will soon be ending their virginity, and virginity. Today the term commonly used is a twin Mayang which means the same, so the bride and groom should always mcnyatukan mind, intent and purpose of that line or one word always Seiya. Mayang twin leaf is made of woven and shaped like a basket filled with leaves of banana stem repose. The elements that must exist in the form of mountain Mayang twin-mountains, kris-kerisan, whip-prod, umbrella-payungan, Manuk-Manukan, walang-walangan, banyan leaves, dhadhap spare, dlingo, Bengle, leaves and flowers patramenggala kroton .
  2. Letrek/sampiran colorful with a length of 30 cm, width of I0 cm, and amounted to 8 sheets. Banar position is located at the top of pesarean (bed), not under the sheets. klemuk pair is like a pot-shaped vessel made of clay Klemuk is filled with all sorts of condiments pawon, empon-empon or herbs of all kinds of grain, then covered with two pieces of fabric motif tulak bango.
  3. A pair of jugs filled with holy water (water that has been given rnantraf / prayers) and in the beak or beak jug covered with leaves that meet dhadhap sercp ruasnya (bone leaves).
  4. Offerings consisting of 
  • Savory-rice.
  • Sepasasng ingkung rooster or chicken cooked whole.
  • Sambel pecel, pencok sauce, lalaban, krecek.
  • Tea and coffee bitter.
  • Salad degan / coconut. 
  • Jlupak / resin / lamp is lit when Midadareni ceremony will begin.
  • Tangkep one / two bunches of banana king.
  • Sri-Flowers garden
  • One tangkep (handfuls) of palm sugar
  • Toast bread.
  • Cigars and the vacuum replica made of papaya leaf stalks.
  1. Bridal Chamber decorated with:
  • Ukub the fragrance which is pandan herb slices, grated kencur, galangal, kaffir lime, lemon grass and flowers rnawar, and sprinkled scented oil seeds. Sclanjutnya arranged on a tray and put under the bed so it will scent the room pengatin
  • Have beautiful view decorated whiting.
  • Mayang Pimple, or fruit Pinang to add beautiful and elegant bridal suite.
  • Seven kinds of fabric motif letrek as a display or decoration.

Offerings widadari the Hams prepared in the bridal chamber together with theMayang twin entry at 18.00. At 24.00 hours sajen can dilorot to eat all the family including the bride and groom. Later in the ceremony when the twin Panggih Mayang must be removed to Prapatan or intersection (the intersection of four) nearby. This is so that later the bride and groom can choose the right path. line has yangseiring opinion, not contradictory.    Implementation Ceremony MidadareniAfter all the equipment that needs to be prepared in a ceremony Midadareni available Midadareni ceremony can begin.The steps are as follows:

Bride and groom to change clothes, no longer wearing cloth and nagasari grompol motif, but gave way to wear cloth truntum motif. Bride wore a plain kebaya, with bending or ukel ukel bun bun and not allowed to wear any jewelry. Makeup was worn only a vague or thin.
Seclusion bride in the bridal suite which was decorated. equipped with twin sajen and Mayang. In the room accompanied by his bride bride pinisepuh who give advice as a basis for family life.
Along with the ongoing Midadareni ceremony, outside the bridal chamber can also be carried out ceremony of the grooms family to the bride's family. Then be followed by a prayer (praying for example) according to religion and belief respectively. After completion of the event can proceed with or lek-lekan tirakatan commonly done in-law jaqong conversation interspersed with the playing cards to prevent lek, which help overcome drowsiness so strong guard until twelve o'clock.
Exactly at midnight sajen Widodaren issued and distributed to the relatives and guests are still there, including the bride and groom. While a pair of twins and two coconuts Mayang remain in the bridal chamber. Bride and groom at the time to enjoy Sajen Widodaren sat in the bridal chamber, accompanied by the pinisepuh

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