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Spray style wedding ceremony in Yogyakarta

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    One day before the ceremony consent, performed the ceremony spray. The word comes from the word flush spray which means bath. Rnemandikan spray means brides are accompanied by the intention to rid itself be clean and pure / holy physically and spiritually. In ancient times the ceremony is always held shower in the morning between the hours of 10:00 until 11:00. Today the ceremony is usually held shower in the afternoon, around 16.00 as it can be directly followed by a ceremony midadareni.The ceremony is usually performed by spray pinisepuh or people who have parents and elders, especially those who already have grandchildren, or at least the parents who have had a mind berputra and behaviors that can be used as a model because it will be asked his blessing.
    For the ceremony actually spray the people that will bathe is not restricted, the more the better from an odd number. But to keep the candidate pengatin not freeze the amount of people that will bathe the pitu set (seven people) which means pitulungan. This spray will be concluded by the makeup artist or elders (the elder) to break the pitcher / klenthing of clay.    Spray equipment and Sajen CeremonyEquipment should be provided in spray ceremony consist of:
  1. Clean water from sources used to bathe the bride and groom to be whole / holy and clean inner and  outer. This is a preparation for the coming of the angel who will come down from heaven (heaven) to give the blessing and beautifying his daughter, who will join a wedding.
  2. Setaman flowers (flowers sritaman).Setaman flowers are flowers that grow in the garden such as roses, jasmine, kanthil and memories. The flowers are sprinkled into the water that will be used to make fragrant.
  3. Manca Konyoh Color. Konyoh a scrub / wet powder made from rice flour and kencur and dyes. Manca or penta (five) colors (the colors of five different colors mean. So Konyoh Manca color scrubs means consisting of five different colors, including red, yellow, green, blue and white. Konyoh serves as a soap that can smooth the body,
  4. Landha straw, kanil coconut milk, tamarind water. Landha straw (straw ashes are immersed in water) which serves as a shampoo, sanatan kanil (grated coconut juice is thick) that serves to blacken the hair and tamarind water is used as a conditioner. If you want to practically be replaced dcngan shampoo and conditioner is sold in the market.
  5. Two old coconut. Both are part sabutnya coconut held together and put in water that is sprinkled with flowers setaman.
  6. Cushion.
    Sit on
    the bride and groom in the ceremony spray consists of:
    • Class farts, the mat is about half a square meter is made ​​of pandan
    • A single mori (white cloth) and a piece of cloth.
    • Leaves consisting of leaves kluwih, kara leaves, leaf apo-apo. awar-awar leaf leaves turi, srep dhadhap leaves, reeds, and thorns kemarung.
    • Dlingo Bengle
    • Four kinds of fabric motif tulak bango, the fabric is white middle and old edges are colored blue, kunjng, green, and red.
    • Yuyu companion sheet motif, which is striated fabric woven brown striped yellow.
    • Pulo watu sheet motif, which is striated fabric berlerek white / black stripes.
    • A sheet of yellow letrek
    • Orange cloth or dark red.
  7. Mori piece of white cloth two meters berukumn Palos dikcnakan at the ceremony was being washed and batik cloth to the base before using mori
  8. Grompol motif cloth and cloth fabrics nagasar motif and nagasari rompol this motif can be replaced Iain dcngan motif is also significantly positive (good), for example: motif sidamukti, sidaasih, king of cement, cement rama, sidaluhur.
  9. Soap and towels are intended to clean up and dry off.
  10. Kendhi or klenthing jug contains water that is used to close and end the ceremony spray.
  11. Sajen Siraman
      Sajen spray include:
  • Tumpeng Robyong
  • Tumpeng gundhul
  • Dahar asrep-asrepen
  • One comb and one comb plantain banana sticky rice each even-numbered.
  • The full fruits (gumantung nutmeg, mace kependem boiled, and nutmeg kesampar).
  • Empluk-equipped kitchen spice filled empluk
  • One egg karnpung
  • A coconut that has been peeled
  • One tangkep (handfuls) of palm sugar
  • Juplak / amber / light, together with sajen Tarub
  • Develop telon (kanthil, jasmine, ylang)
  • Seven kinds of porridge-jenangan
  • Porridge bitch lunkhead, diamonds, remaining peanuts boiled skin
  • A rooster tail.

Roosters as a condition Sajen spray and Kerik after completion can be provided to periasnyaImplementation Ceremony SiramanSpray the ceremony the bride and groom are applicable to men and women (their implementation in their own homes) is a symbol of and hope for the bride and groom to be holy, clean and radiant. Series of ceremonial equipment rnenyertai spray is also a symbol that each has a very deep meaning. For example Sritaman flowers are sprinkled into the water that will be used to spray means to spray fragrance are owned by the flower will seep into the body of the bride and groom to be a sweet body and later to bring the fragrance of the family name in the community. While foreign konyoh color: it implies that the five kinds of Konyoh are rubbed onto the body-rub spray when it is expected that a variety of light shining into a pervasive and vinegar into a bride's body so that it looks antique and charming. While dun Dark green coconuts are tied together imply that the future bride and groom are always living in harmony and live side by side until the end of life or living in harmony until Kaken-kuken ninen-ninen.The ceremony being washed as follows:

Sritaman flowers sprinkled into a bath of water. The water can be used to spray cold water but can also be replaced with water hangar for the bride and groom are not cold. Water can be put in Pengaron (vessel of clay as tcmpat to mcnampung water). The next two remaining coconut sabutnya tied together and then put in the water.
Brides who have to wear a cloth and spray dcngan outer wear a white cloth (mori), dcngan hair loose, picked up by the parents of the bridal chamber and guided to the ceremony spray. Behind them and accompany the officer who pinisepuh tray consisting of a set of fabric sheet grompol motif, a motif fabric nagasari, towels and pcdupan. A set of sheets and towels are used after the ceremony finished spray. After arriving at the ceremony where the bride and groom are guarded and dipcrsilahkan sit in a place that has been provided by both parents.
After starting dcngan prayer according to the trust, respectively, the parents started bride bride flushed or flushed clean with water that has been sprinkled with flowers Pengaron spray and contains two green coconuts which towed. Parents of the bride and groom are first flushed the father, then mother. Flushed at the time of prayer should be accompanied by a pronounced in the hearts of the time accompanied by rubbing konyoh foreign flushed and landha straw color; then terminated dcngan pouring three times.
Spray the ceremony was concluded and closed by the interpreter paes or it could be designated by the elders. The way to end this ceremony as follows:

First of all interpreters paes / elders to wash your hair Landha dcngan straw, coconut milk, tamarind starch and water (as a conditioner) and rub the foreign konyoh color throughout the body and bathing to really clean. Once clean bride put her hands on her chest dcngan nyadhong attitude donga (pleading in prayer) and the interpreter paes pitcher to pour water used for rinsing. This is done three times.
Furthermore interpreter mcngguyurkan paes water jugs to the bride's head three times.
Then poured a pitcher of water to clean the face, ears, neck, hands and kakai. Each performed three times, until water runs out the pitcher.
After the jar is empty, then the interpreter paes / scscpuh words: Wis pamorc Broken (teenage years are over) as he broke the pitcher in front of the bride and groom and witnessed by parents and the pinisepuh.
After the ceremony the bride and groom end up wearing a fabric switch dcngan Grompol motif and motif cloth cover bodies dcngan nagasari. Further guided by both parents and to the accompaniment of the pinisepuh bridal chamber. Both fabric and motif nagasari grompol motif can be replaced dcngan other motives that have good meaning. In the ancient ceremony held shower in the bathroom, whereas now be implemented in other places that are designed specially decorated.

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