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Sekaten Ceremony

Sekaten ceremonies were held every month Maulud Javanese calendar to commemorate the birth of Prophet Muhammad

Marriage Ceremony in Style Midodareni Yogyakarta

Midodareni ceremony held on the afternoon before the ceremony consent

The marriage ceremony in style whittling Yogyakarta

The main purpose of whittling ceremony has the bride and groom to truly clean and unseen whittling term has meant eliminating wulu bats (fine hairs) that grows around the forehead to make it look clean and his face became radiant

Spray style wedding ceremony in Yogyakarta
The word comes from the word flush spray which means bathing Siraman rnemandikan implies that the bride is accompanied by the intention to clean themselves in order to be clean and pure / holy inner and outer

Grebeg Maulud
Gerebeg or Grebeg has meaning "wind noise". Garebeg is one of the custom Kraton Ngayogyakarta that for the first time organized by the Sultan Hamengku Buwana I. 

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